International Presentations
The Surgical Management of Petrous Bone Cholesteatomata: A Case Series Review and Reflections from the Literature
Acharya A, Rainsbury J, Monksfield P and Irving R.
6th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies, Brighton 16-19th May 2012
Head and Neck Paragangliomas in a UK Population: The Birmingham Head and Neck Paraganglioma Service Experience
Acharya A, Rainsbury J, Monksfield P and Irving R.
6th International Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies, Brighton 16-19th May 2012
Cost Effectiveness Analysis of BAHA
Monksfield P, Jowett S, Reid AP and Proops DW
Personally presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing – Craniofacial Osseointegration, Sarasota 23-26th March 2011
The new Nucleus 5 model cochlear implant, a new surgical technique and early clinical results.
Briggs RJS, Monksfield P, Tari S, Cowan RSC.
11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Auditory Implantable Technologies Stockholm, June 30th -July 3rd 2010
Initial clinical experience with the Nucleus 5, new model cochlear implant receiver stimulator package
Monksfield P, Briggs RJS, Tari S, Cowan RSC.
Personally presented at the Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting, Sydney March 2010
Cost Effectiveness Analysis of BAHA
Monksfield P, Jowett S, Reid AP and Proops DW
Personally presented at the South Pacific ORL Forum, Fiji July 2009.
Tissue and bone metabolism biomarkers and cytokines are raised in inflammatory fluid exudate from inflamed BAHAs.
Grant MM, Proops D, Monksfield P, Brine M, Addison O, Sammons R, Matthews J, Reid
A & Chapple ILC
2nd International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing – Craniofacial Osseointegration, Gothenburg, June 2009
An audit of medical, surgical and audiological complications of the first 300 paediatric cochlear implant patients in Birmingham – A learning curve
Coulson CJ, Monksfield P, Siddiq MA, Hanve K, Rei AP, Pearman K, Proops DW.
9th European Symposium on Paediatric Cochlear Implantation May 2009
Vestibular Evoked Myoclonic Potential Testing in Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome.
Monksfield P, Lindley K and Irving R.
Personally presented at the Joint Anglo American Meeting, Dublin July 2008
Medical and surgical complications of the second 100 cochlear implant patients in Birmingham.
Monksfield P, Jindal M, Siddiq A, Reid AP, Pearman K and Proops DW.
Personally presented at the 8th International conference on cholesteatoma and ear surgery, Turkey 18/6/08
Cordelle Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) – Quality of Life, User & Service Related Issues and Patients’ Experience and Preference.
Ho EC, Monksfield P, Egan E, Reid AP and Proops DW.
1st International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing and Osseointegration, Halifax Nova Scotia July 2007
Results of Cochlear Implantation and Continued Hearing Aid Use in Teenage Identical Twins.
Monksfield P, Steventon N, Wills A, Freeland AP.
Personally presented at the 8th International Congress of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, September 2002.
Curative verses Palliative Treatment in the Management of Advanced Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma.
Simo R, Axon P, Woolford T, Izzat S, Monksfield P, Upile T, Yates P, Farrington WT.
20th International Symposium of The Spanish Society of Head and Neck Surgeons in Barcelona, Spain December 1996.
National Presentations
A Conservative Surgical Approach to Skull Base Paragangliomas
Nankivell P, Monksfield P, Coulson C, Walsh R, Irving R
Personally presented at the British Skull Base Society Annual Meeting 31st January 2013
Variability of ear drops in a normal population: an accurate delivery device is required.
De M, Leung E, Monksfield P, Vaughan-Jones R
RSM short paper session 5th March 04 and the Midlands institute of Otolaryngology meeting 8th January 2005
Comparative audit of the informed consent process following introduction of the new consent form in two common ENT procedures.
Monksfield P, De M, Hollis L.
Personally presented at the Audit section of the RSM summer meeting July 2004
Early Clinical results of the new Hong Kong incision for BAHA surgery.
Monksfield P, Briggs RJS, Power D and O’Leary SJ.
Presented at the 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Auditory Implantable Technologies Stockholm, June 30th -July 3rd 2010
Biofilm formation on BAHA Fixtures
Monksfield P, Sammons R, Chapple ILC, Matthews J, Grant MM, Addison O, Brine M, Reid A & Proops D.
South Pacific ORL Forum, Fiji July 2009 (won best poster prize).
Inflammatory fluid exudate volumes are raised at the site of inflamed BAHAs.
Grant MM, Monksfield P, Proops D, Brine M, Addison O, Sammons R, Matthews J, & Chapple ILC.
2nd International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing – Craniofacial Osseointegration, Gothenburg, June 2009
Cordelle Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha) – Quality Of Life, User & Service Related Issues And Patients’ Experience And Preference.
Eu Chin Ho, Peter Monksfield, Elizabeth Egan, Andrew Reid, David Proops.
10th International conference on cochlear implants and other implantable auditory technologies, San Diego 10-12th April 2008
Bilateral Bone Anchored Hearing Aid – Quality of Life, User & Service Related Issues and Patients’ Experience and Preference.
Ho EC, Monksfield P, Egan E, Reid AP and Proops DW.
1st International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing and Osseointegration, Halifax Nova Scotia July 2007
A Histological Study of Soft-Tissue Overgrowth Related to BAHA.
Monksfield P, Ho EC, Warfield A, Reid AP and Proops DW.
1st International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing and Osseointegration, Halifax Nova Scotia July 2007
Review of the Longer (8.5mm) Abutment for BAHA.
Monksfield P, Ho EC, Reid AP and Proops DW.
1st International Symposium on Bone Conduction Hearing and Osseointegration, Halifax Nova Scotia July 2007
Hearing preservation after stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma.
Monksfield P, Kowalski C, Townley J, Heyes G, Cruickshank G and Morgan D.
12th British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology July 2006.
Early Post Operative Pain Reduction Using the Harmonic Scalpel for Tonsillectomy compared with Bipolar Dissection in Children: A Prospective Randomised Trial.
Steventon N, Bates G, Monksfield P, Wills A.
8th International Congress of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, September 2002.
Sixteen Year Radiological and Functional Follow-up of Identical Twins with Surgically Treated Congenital Subglottic Stenosis.
Whiteside O, Monksfield P, Steventon NB, Winter SCA, Freeland AP.
8th International Congress of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, September 2002.